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Annabelle Smith Bigno

Annabelle Smith Bigno

Born and raised in Scotland of French and Scottish parents, Annabelle has lived, painted and exhibited work in Oman, Venezuela, France, the US and the UAE from 2001 to 2018.

3 years study at the Glassell School of Art in Houston, Texas allowed her to further skills in inks, watercolor and acrylics and led to shows held at Canal Street Gallery, in the Glassell perimeter, at the Watercolor Society of Houston, in Skyline Art Services as well as in various smaller venues. In France in 2014-2015 she presented her first. . . Show More >


Desert Ride I
Desert Ride I
From $40.57
Red Desert Ride
Red Desert Ride
From $40.57
Desert Ride II
Desert Ride II
From $40.57